I beat it in 15 minutes with 113 deaths. :)
Nice. One of my favorite games on newgrounds, and you well know that there are alot of games on newgrounds. Slick and sweet.
I beat it in 15 minutes with 113 deaths. :)
Nice. One of my favorite games on newgrounds, and you well know that there are alot of games on newgrounds. Slick and sweet.
Loved it!
Here's my bot:
People seem to be unaware that you can rename your bots and find their bots codes under "My COMbots." It's a handy feature. I hope to see more seople posting their bots in their reviews so I can see how mine measures up to theirs! :D You can paste others bot codes there to, to compete against them. please post your bot!
HINT: The first thing I do when I start the game is get my arms and legs chopped down to the knees and elbows. It makes things alot easier. I liked it alot. I've always been a fan of sticks. My high score was 218.
I beat all 6 levels!
Fun, fun! I don't think I've ever played a game quite like that before. I liked all of the levels exept for the sixth. I basically have three settings when playing a game: Bored exited, and frustrated. Levels 1 - 5 were exiting, but the sixth was just frustrating. Overall, the graphics were pleasing, the game was well designed, (but short,) and I finished the game wanting more. alot more. Perhaps another 94 levels would do the trick?
I was a fox in a previous life.
Joined on 7/9/06